Thursday, December 20, 2007


Okay, so I get it. You want more pictures of Mackenzie. So here they are :).

Getting ready for a bath, and not quite sure what to think about it.Ready for our first trip to church since she was born, isn't she just the cutest??

Merry Christmas! Aren't I pretty in my Christmas dress? Also, I think I'm stuck in the couch.. help?!?!?

With Daddy at the Christmas party, we make silly faces at eachother :)
Who is this weird hairy man holding me? But aren't I cute posing??

So there she is, my beautiful and a bit silly baby. She's started smiling this week which makes life so rewarding. She loves to make faces back at us when we make some at her. I woke her up the other day to feed her and she looked up at me, cooed and smiled. Ahh, that was the best part of my day, right there. I'm loving this mommy thing, well, except for when she wakes me up screaming- but I just feed, change, or hold her and it's all better. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Okay, so Matt came in and hit post before I had the chance to finish it. She's now blissfully asleep (thank God) and I get a few seconds to myself. The last few days/nights have been wonderful. Although she's not sleeping more than 4 hours at a time, she is sleeping in her crib or on the couch by herself. YAY!!! It's nice to sleep in a bed again instead of the recliner which had been my bestfriend for about 2 weeks. My back is thanking me, although it still complains that she's heavy. She is over 9 lbs now and lugging that dead weight that bobbles it's head everywhere is trying on both the back and the arms. Ahh, guess it'll make me buff! grrrrr!! :)

We finally ordered our Christmas cards, so if you want one, send me your address and I'll ship one off to ya. It's got 3 pictures, one of all 3 of us with Santa, one with me holding her, and one with Matt holding her. Turned out cute actually.

How do you get the dog to stop trying to jump on her and the cat to stop trying to lie on her while I'm holding her? The dog's doing better with me, but when Matt's got her, he goes crazy. I'm afraid our dang 17 lb cat will squish the poor baby!!! :) haha, yeah right, he's scared of her so whenever she makes a sound and he's nearby, he bolts like lightning. Speaking of sounds she makes, she's cooing like crazy-it's so much fun! She also squeaks, so I've taken to calling her Bat Girl when she gets in her squeaky moods, which is when she gets really excited. Baby sounds are fun, albeit annoying at 3 am when I'm trying to sleep and she's going crazy in her sleep. Yes, my baby does talk (well, her version of it) in her sleep, just like her daddy sometimes does. Oh, I hope when she starts forming words that she knocks that off!! :)

Ooh! I'm gonna go have lunch. Food at a normal time- what a concept!! :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mommy-ing is EXHAUSTING!!

Ok, so I've been the HUGEST slacker on updating this thing, but you wouldn't believe how exhausting it is being a mom! It's more rewarding than I could ever express, but sheesh, would I kill for more than 3 hours of sleep in a row! Mackenzie's doing fabulously! She's grown 3 inches and gained 2 lbs in 5 weeks! It's crazy!! No wonder my arms are constantly exhausted! She's started this new thing last week where she screams unless she's being held. But we think *hopefully* that she's over it because last night after going to Matt's work's Christmas party she was pooped and slept in her crib-the ENTIRE night! (yay!) and has slept either in the crib or on the couch (her new favorite place) all day today. Might help that Daddy's been home too, though. brb, she's crying...