Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Attn: Naked baby pictures---be warned!!

So when my mom and Grandma visited wow, it's been almost 2 weeks ago now, we went and had some pictures of Mackenzie taken. Here they are:Hawaiian baby

Happy, naked baby :)

Happy baby

This is my version of sitting up

I love to fly!

I think they all turned out fabulous. The one of me and her is my favorite (obviously next to the nakay baby one!!) I think she should be a model, but then again, I am a little biased. But aren't I supposed to be?? Here are some more for good measure :)
mmmm... my high chair tastes sooooo good!

I am AWESOME!! My sunglasses make me cool!

So there you go, hope this is enough for you Jeni and Bianca!! :)