Tuesday, May 15, 2007

thanks and stuff...

I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. It was really hard being away from my family and my friends for the first time, but having a husband kinda helps that fact :). Over the weekend he took me up to the Hualapai Mountain Lodge. It is so nice up there. Just about half an hour away and it's a totally different feeling. There are pine trees and mule deer (sooo HUGE-they're actually elk) and it's about 6500 feet up and so the air feels cleaner and it's like 15-20 degrees cooler up there. That part was nice coz our air conditioner is broken :(. We took the dog with us and just had a really nice relaxing time. When there is no computers, no TV, no phones, and Gretchen forgets her books all you can do is relax. Which we both EXTREMELY needed at that point. I just wish it could have been more than one night up there :). Maybe we can make it a bi-monthly trip or something... hmmmm, might have to talk to the Tato about that (that's his new nickname for himself, Matato but I just call him tato).


Bianca said...

Glad you had a good birthday! Relaxing is ALWAYS good! :D

swt said...

any news on the sex of the baby? do you even want to know?

best wishes


Bianca said...

uh oh! Gretchen disappeared!

Gretchen said...

We are having an ultrasound a week from today and might be able to find out the gender... depends on if they can tell though. I haven't disappeared Bianca!! I've just been busy, I'll update later, I promise!! :) Sorry!!!