Tuesday, October 16, 2007


So I am feeling better; however, Matt isn't so lucky. He caught my nasty bug right before he left on a business trip to Orlando for 4 days. poor dude. But I don't feel too sorry for him becasue I've gotten a few phone calls from him since he left and when they're not stuck in classes (it's for a program that the company has been trying *unsuccessfully, I might add* to use for about a year now) they are wandering around finding "kick ass Irish pubs and awesome 80's live cover band clubs". Ahhh, how I love to hear him yell in my ear while listening to a Queen cover band sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the background.... that was sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

Saturday we went to a birthing class, hoping to learn something and perhaps giggle while doing silly breathing exercises. We got lots of info on POST birth but not so much on the actual birth process... which is why we went. Kinda annoying, actually. Then last night I go to the Wellness Center (the gym/learning center run by the hospital) to take a breastfeeding class so I have as much info as I possibly can. I get there at 6 because that's when the lady on the phone told me it would be, even though all the flyers I saw said it started at 6:30. But, I figured, better to be early than to be late and have missed 30 minutes of information. They had quadruple booked all the conference rooms and there was nowhere for us to go. So you have 6 VERY pregnant women wanting to know what is going on, why there is no teacher (who never showed up by the way) and where in the world we are supposed to meet. After being there for an hour and asking the front desk people (who know absolutely zilch except for how to scan a card and give people towels) like eight times what was going on, we all decided just to leave. I'm angry! :( I wanted information, dangnabbit! Oh well, guess I'll just have to ask the dr and look up la leche league to get more info. Se la vie (I don't know how to spell in French!)

So this week, next week, and the following (until the 31st) I will be helping at our church's annual Pumpkin Patch. I miss living somewhere where you can go to an *actual* patch and get punkins and drink cider and just have a fabulous time (aka greenbluff). Instead what we have here is a truckfull of pumpkins were delivered and sit in our church's front area (not a yard coz there is no grass :( ) on pallets. However, I do get to read silly pumpkin stories and have fun with 2nd grade and younger kids. Makes me miss working with them on a daily basis. But I'm still working on my degree-just taking a break till January- and this helps me get more excited to be a mommy too! :) I know she won't be poking around in punkin patches any time soon, but I can still think of the future and smile, right? :) I'll take some pics of the fun punkins that sadly don't get homes until the end, you know, the ones with lumps and the gords and the ones I always pick! :)


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better!

I may or may not be extremely fond of pumpkins. Have fun!


Miranda said...

my church used to a pumpkin patch like that. Big semi rolling in and lots of hay bails. Kevin and Alisa Lind had their second daughter one week ago and she's super cute. I know yours will be too. And if you're worried about breast feeding you probably shouldn't read Jeni's blog ;)

Jenevieve said...

The reason I'm struggling so much with it is precisely because it is so rewarding. :)

Jenevieve said...

So... baby?


Bianca said...

Gretchen's a mommy!!!! :D

Jenevieve said...

20 hours, huh? You have me beat.

Congratulations!!!!! What's her name?