Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mommy-ing is EXHAUSTING!!

Ok, so I've been the HUGEST slacker on updating this thing, but you wouldn't believe how exhausting it is being a mom! It's more rewarding than I could ever express, but sheesh, would I kill for more than 3 hours of sleep in a row! Mackenzie's doing fabulously! She's grown 3 inches and gained 2 lbs in 5 weeks! It's crazy!! No wonder my arms are constantly exhausted! She's started this new thing last week where she screams unless she's being held. But we think *hopefully* that she's over it because last night after going to Matt's work's Christmas party she was pooped and slept in her crib-the ENTIRE night! (yay!) and has slept either in the crib or on the couch (her new favorite place) all day today. Might help that Daddy's been home too, though. brb, she's crying...

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